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Singapore Internships: Experience the Best Opportunities 2024

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Singapore Internships: Experience the Best Opportunities 2024 -The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is offering the Singapore A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA) 2024. It’s a top-notch research internship program for undergraduate students. This program allows students to improve their research skills and gain valuable work experience. The internship lasts 12 to 16 weeks, and each intern will get a monthly stipend of S$1,600 to S$2,000.

Key Takeaways

  • The Singapore Internship Award 2024 is a prestigious research internship program offered by A*STAR.
  • Interns will receive a generous monthly stipend ranging from S$1,600 to S$2,000.1
  • The internship duration ranges from 12 to 16 weeks.1
  • Singaporean undergraduates who have completed at least 2 years of their degree program are eligible to apply.1
  • The program offers opportunities across diverse research areas, including biomedical sciences, physical sciences, computing and information sciences, and engineering and technology.

Unlock Global Career Opportunities with the Singapore Internship Award 2024

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 gives undergrads a chance to do real research in Singapore. It’s known worldwide for business and new ideas.1 Here, interns can join top researchers and scientists. They get to use their knowledge to solve real problems.1

Gain Invaluable Work Experience in Asia’s Thriving Business Hub

The program is all about various research fields. This includes health sciences, physical sciences, computing, and technology.1 In Singapore, they’ll dive into the heart of global business and innovation.

Interns will get hands-on in leading-edge projects. They’ll gain work skills and experience that are truly priceless.

Explore Internships Across Diverse Industries and Sectors

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 has spots in many fields, from marketing to designing and coding.2 Interns pick from 6-week to 6-month spots. They can match their placement with their career plans.2 This helps interns get a full taste of Singapore’s bustling business world.

What is the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

The Singapore Internship Award 2024, or the A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA), is an esteemed program by A*STAR.1 It gives undergrad students hands-on experience in research and innovation in Singapore. Participants work with top researchers on projects shaping the nation’s future.

A Premier Research Internship Program by A*STAR

The ARIA program is highly respected, letting students dive into cutting-edge research and development.3 They team up with top scientists and industry experts. This experience boosts their career prospects significantly.

Immersive Experience in Scientific Research and Innovation

Interns in the 2024 program will face real-world problems using their academic skills.4 They can choose from various research areas like Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and more. This helps them find their career interests and passions.

Singapore Internship Award 2024 Eligibility Requirements

The Singapore Internship Award 2024, known as A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA), is for Singaporean undergrads in STEM fields. Students must have finished two years of their degree. They should aim for a second-upper class honors degree or equal, with a 4.0 CGPA out of 5.0.4

Open to Singaporean Undergraduates in STEM Fields

This award offers singapore internships, overseas internship programs, and meaningful work experience in singapore. It’s for undergrads in computing and information science, engineering, physical sciences, or biomedical/life/food sciences.4

Minimum Academic Standing and Research Interest Required

Applicants need more than good grades. They should be eager to start a career in research.4 Those who won the ARIA internship before can’t apply this time. This keeps the competition open to all talented students.4

Research Areas Offered Under the Singapore Internship Award 2024

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 allows undergraduates to explore many research areas. It lets them get work experience in Singapore’s lively business and innovation world. There are several research areas to choose from.

Biomedical Sciences

Interns can work on cutting-edge research in biomedical sciences. They can help with research in biomanufacturing, medical tech, and pharmaceuticals & biologics.

Physical Sciences

The program covers research in physical sciences too. This means students can look into chemicals, materials, electronics, and engineering.

Computing and Information Sciences

If you like the digital world, this is for you. The Singapore Internship Award 2024 has projects in computing and information sciences. It includes infocomm, robotics, and automation.

Engineering and Technology

Want to tackle real challenges? Engineering and technology research areas wait for you. These include food and consumer products, security work, and transport.

Exploring these research areas can help interns understand more about Singapore’s research world. It lets them see possible careers that match their goals.4

research areas

Financial Benefits of the Singapore Internship Award 2024

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 offers a great monthly stipend to interns. They get between S$1,600 to S$2,000 (around $1,200 to $1,500 USD) for their 12 to 16-week internship.1 This helps interns focus on their work and pay for their living costs while they gain work experience in Singapore.

For international students, there’s an additional benefit. They receive a monthly stipend of S$2,000.1 This support makes sure both local and international students can enjoy their time in Singapore, focusing on their studies and exploring the vibrant city, without worrying about money.

How to Apply for the Singapore Internship Award 2024

To apply for the5 Singapore Internships, check out the ARIA Research Projects list on the program’s site first. Pick your favorite project when you apply online.5

Choose Your Preferred Research Project from the ARIA List

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 has many research options. This includes work in biomedical sciences, physical sciences, computing, engineering, and more. Pick a project that matches your interests and goals.

Submit Online Application with Required Documents

When applying, you’ll need to upload some documents. These include a copy of your NRIC, university academic transcript, JC/Polytechnic academic transcript, and your resume.5

The application period for the6 Singapore Internship Award 2024 is open until December 31, 2023.6 It’s good to start early and make sure your application is in on time for this great opportunity.

Why Intern in Singapore?

Singapore is a top spot for internships thanks to its role in world business and innovation. It leads in finance and tech in Asia. This means interns get a great chance to learn from top companies and start-ups.1

The city is filled with different cultures and most people speak English. This makes it easy for students from abroad to fit in. They get to live in a place with a blend of cultures while learning job skills.6

A Global Hub for Business and Innovation

In Singapore, interns can dive into a fast-paced business world. They work with big global companies and new, creative firms. It’s a chance to see the economy in action and learn about the latest trends.

Multicultural Environment and English-Speaking Locale

Singapore’s mix of cultures is like a beautiful, rich tapestry for interns to explore. And with almost everyone speaking English, interns can easily get around and work with people from all over.

work experience in singapore

Testimonials and Success Stories

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 has been truly life-changing for many.7 Participants gained important research skills and a better understanding of scientific innovation. They also got to see the world through a broader lens.7 These internships opened doors to great careers. They used the lessons and connections made in Singapore to succeed in their chosen paths.

Hear from Past Interns About Their Transformative Experiences

People who joined the Singapore Internship Award 2024 loved the chances it offered to grow globally and personally.7 Afterward, many landed their dream career or started their own successful businesses. They credited the program for the skills and network it provided.7 They also made life-long friends from the program and companies they worked with, showing the program’s caring and dedicated approach.

“The Singapore Internship Award 2024 was a transformative experience that not only expanded my research skills but also broadened my global perspective. The opportunity to work alongside renowned scientists and contribute to cutting-edge projects was truly invaluable. I left Singapore with a renewed sense of confidence and a clear vision for my future career.”

Sarah Lim, Singapore Internship Award 2024 Alumna

This program is successful because it creates real, valuable experiences for its participants.7 It’s run by a team from around the world who deeply care. They make sure the internships really transform lives.7 Alumni remember not just the professional growth but also fun times, like the Songkran Festival and visiting historic places in Ayuthaya.7

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 keeps on motivating and helping new researchers and innovators. It’s a top choice for singapore internship, singapore student internships, and youth employment in singapore. It’s proven to kickstart successful global careers for those who are eager.


The Singapore Internship Award 2024, given by A*STAR, is a fantastic chance for undergrads. It lets them set their eyes on global job opportunities and gain vital research know-how in Asia’s dynamic business scene.8 Interns get to work on advanced projects with the world’s top researchers. This helps them grow their abilities, look into different fields, and set a route for upcoming triumphs. Plus, they receive a considerable stipend each month, from S$2,700 to S$3,2008, and can experience living and working in cosmopolitan Singapore. Truly, the Singapore Internship Award 2024 is an experience that can change their lives.

This program offers big support too, with a one-time airfare grant of up to S$1,500 and a S$1,000 settling-in allowance8. This helps make sure interns can fully focus on their research and not worry about living costs. Considering that the monthly living expenses in Singapore are between S$1,400 and S$2,0001>, the financial perks of this internship are impressive. They make it a great choice for students wanting to enhance their global awareness and career skills.

If you’re into areas like biomedical sciences, computing, or engineering, the Singapore Internship Award 2024 has a lot to offer.9 You’ll not just gain hands-on experience, but also build connections with top researchers and creators. This could open new paths to exciting career chances all around the world.


What is the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

The Singapore Internship Award 2024 is a top research internship program in Singapore. It’s called the A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA). The program is run by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). It offers undergrad students a chance to work in the area of scientific research and innovation.

What are the key benefits of the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

The Award offers a stipend of S$1,600 to S$2,000 a month (about $1,200 to $1,500 USD). You get to work with skilled researchers on cool projects. Plus, you can get first-hand experience in Singapore’s growing innovation scene.

What are the eligibility requirements for the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

If you’re a Singaporean undergrad in STEM, this could be for you. You need to have finished two years of your degree. Also, you should aim high academically. A keen interest in research is a must.

What research areas are covered by the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

The program covers many areas, like biomedical and physical sciences. Also, computing, engineering, and technology get a look. It’s quite a range of scientific fields.

How do I apply for the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

First, look at the list of research projects on the website. Then, pick the one you like best in your application. You’ll also need to send in a copy of your NRIC, your uni grades, and a resume.

Why should I consider interning in Singapore?

Singapore mixes global business with a rich blend of cultures, making it a great internship spot. It’s a key finance and tech hub in Asia. With many big companies and startups, you’ll get to see a lot. And, being an English-speaking place, it’s easy to fit right in.

What kind of experiences have past interns had with the Singapore Internship Award 2024?

Former interns found the program really rewarding. They learned a lot about research and saw innovation up close. It helped them think more globally and start successful careers. Their time in Singapore opened doors and taught them valuable lessons.

Apply For The Internship AWARD ( ARi )


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